The Mahopac Judo & Ju-Jutsu Club was founded in June 17th, 2008 by Shihan Jose Martinez.
Shihan Jose Martinez began his martial arts training in the South Bronx at the age of 12, studying Tae-Kwon-Do at Various local dojos. In 1973 at the age of 14 he countinued his training in Tae-Kwon-Do at the Miyama Ryu School of Jud0 & Ju-Jutsu , earning the rank of Brown Belt.
In 1979, after a few years of exposure to Ju-Jutsu & Judo , convinced of the practical application in Self-defense, Shihan Martinez began his formal training under the tutelage of Shinan Antonio Pereira, Founder of the Miyama Ryu system of Ju-Jutsu.
In July 13, 1981 Shihan Martinez joined the New York City Police Department (Retired 2001) applying his technical knowledge in Self Defense in actual life and death situations. Shihan Martinez continued his training at Miyama Ryu earning The Rank of Okuiri (1st Degree Black Belt).
In 1986, Shihan Martinez parted from the hombu dojo, continuing his training in a more Expansive version of Combat Ju-Jutsu at San Yama Bushi, Founded By Shinan Hector Negron. In January of 1990, Shihan Martinez was made Head Instuctor of the San Yama Bushi Police Club. On May 1, 2004 Shihan Martinez attained the Rank of Ku-Kaiden (9th Degree Black Belt) at San Yama Bushi.
During his Training at San Yama Bushi, Shihan Joe Martinez understood the need to enhance his skills and started training in Kodokan Judo under the instuction of Sensei George Pasiuk (7th Degree Black Belt) and Sensei Regilio Van Eer (4th Degree Black Belt). In August of 2011, Shihan Jose Martinez earned the rank of Nidan (2nd Degree Black Belt) and is a lifetime member of the U.S.J.A.
Shihan Jose Martinez continues to train in both Ju-Jutsu and Judo from various Instructors, passing his knowledge to his students, many of which have founded their own Martial Arts Schools. Later on November 2016, Shihan Jose Martinez, earned the Judo rank of Sandan (3rd Degree Black Belt) via USA Judo National Promotion Committee.